Pont-sur-Sambre Daily Photos (Supplement)
This blog contains the supplement photos that "Pont-sur-Sambre and Avesnois Daily Photo" cannot contain.
lundi, mai 22, 2006
98. A witch.
Here is a witch. You know, by the Mi-Carême the witches are chased away and come on Haloween again. Because in spring and summer all people are in the streets and they can see the witches, so that they cannot stay without be seen. If they do not want to be burnt, they must go for the Brülage des Bosses.
samedi, mai 20, 2006
vendredi, mai 19, 2006
92.. Dew Pearl and Jean-jean as statues 1
As I was young I looked so (on the right on the picture -click on the word so) and my name could be Dew Pearl. Now I look like on this picture above fat and old (middle old). The glasses especially with their dark sun glasses don't make me very pretty, but so is it. We are growing old.
Perle de Rosée.
(Paul made this photo with my camera. All other photos by me).
mardi, mai 16, 2006
86. If parents or other persons want have their portrait.
What I allow to do with my photos of defilee or popular feasts :
- Each person of a school or an association who appears on one of my photo-blogs can print one photo of each photo where he/she appears for his personal paper-album (I do not allow publication on other web-sites or blogs).
- Each parent of a child whose portrait appears here and each child can print two photos :
a) One for his personal paper-album
b) One for the paper-photoalbum of the child.
No publication on other web-sites and blogs.
- The schools and associations cannot print my photos for their benefit or benefit of the teachers.
- Modifications of my photos are not allowed (Convention of Bern about the intellectual and artistic property).
- convention of Bern : A person cannot make benefit of the artistic work of another.
- I allow the townships and associations of the towns pictured on my blogs to make one print of each photo for their archives. Specify then in the Archives my artist name, my really name if known (the most of them know it) and the blog where you found the photo.
- I do not allow the publication in newspapers, reviews, books or school-books.
- All photos which appear here are work of Perle de Rosée (artist name, french : pseudonyme) , except those where my portrait appears are then by Paul.
Perle de Rosée.
mardi, mai 09, 2006
80.Another bareer.
Here is the street to Bavay. It is the main road. On which at the end of the feast a fire shall be made. The main road leads from Aulnoye-Aymeries to Bavay, the roman town. This road is all straight, during 8 km, because it is an old roman way. On this part it has a North-South direction. I think it was the way from Bavay which had something like 6 or 8 roman way to Lugdunum (Lyon) or to Trier (Trevira).
Perle de Rosée.
81. The street to Maubeuge is also closed.
Here is the town district of Quartes, with the church. It is the same church you can see with its large back above the river on the other photos. But from the side it looks not so large. At the end of the street, you can see another bareer with a man in the middle. We do not see it here very well, but it is a policeman.
lundi, mai 08, 2006
80. A barreer to protect the center of the town.
I've got a film that I took before the feast of the Mi-Carême of Pont-sur-Sambre. I took this photos as I was going to the Carnival. Paul thought the defile was on another side of the town and we made a longer way as we had to do normally, so that we came a little to late for the beginning, but we saw some things along the way which were not like usually.
Here this barreer protect the center of the town of the cars. So that the street are all empty. It is very calm then. And it looks like in the past centuries as there were no cars!. The ambiance of the town is then different, it is not so busy, there is no loud noise, it gives a melancolic ambiance which the town do not have normally.
Perle de Rosée.